Schmidii, Erasmi. Novi Testamenti Graeci Jesu Christi Tameion (2 Volumes); Aliis Concordantiae, Ita Concinnatum, Ut Et Loca Reperiendi, Et Vocum Veras Significationes, Et Significationum Diversitati Per Collationem Investigandi, Ducis Instar Esse Possit. (Glasguae: Andreas et Jacobus Duncan, 1819) Two volumes bound as one.
Octavo. Unpaginated. Hardcover. Bound in calf with gilt ruling around edges of boards. Plain endpapers. Written in Latin and Greek. All edges marbled.
Condition: Good. Rebacked in vellum with leather label reattached, Wear to corners. Various levels of foxing throughout. Previous ownership on first free endpaper, as well as early bookseller’s notes. Covers scuffed. Binding tight. Title page to first volume has some notes.
Published in Glasgow by Andreas and Jacobus Duncan, this concordance was first published two hundred years earlier. Erasmus Schmidt (1570-1637) was a Mathematician and classical Philologer and professor of Greek in what is now Germany, specifically Wittenberg.