Thomson, James. The Seasons in Miniature. (Philadelphia: Kelley and Austin, 1805) with The Life of James Thomson by Samuel Johnson.
48mo. xxi, [22-23], argument, [1], [fp], [25] 26-259 pages. Hardcover. Bound in speckled leather-covered boards edged both front and rear in a gilt chain pattern, spine with six blocks delineated by a pattern of gilt chain. one block containing the title and the other five blocks containing gilt circles. Illustrated with woodcuts.
Condition: Overall VG+. Edge wear to most edges.. Corners bumped. Signatures of James Irwin on title page and of Eliza Davies signature on last text page. A few page corners bent. Hinges solid, binding tight.
This edition scarce. [gd]
James Thomson (c. 11 September 1700 – 27 August 1748) was a Scottish poet and playwright, known for his poems The Seasons and The Castle of Indolence, and for the lyrics of “Rule, Britannia!”. – Wikipedia
A dispute over the publishing rights to one of his works, The Seasons, gave rise to two important legal decisions (Millar v. Taylor; Donaldson v. Beckett) in the history of copyright. – Wikipedia
Thomson is one of the sixteen Scottish poets and writers appearing on the Scott Monument on Princes Street in Edinburgh. He appears on the right side of the east face. – Wikipedia